Fill up your own damn cup
Lately, every morning, I've gotten into this new habit of frothing oat milk and adding it to my warm cup of tea + cacao. I make the shape of a heart with the frothed milk. It's my way of treating myself. Of honoring myself. Of adorning myself. Of reminding myself that I am love. To fill up my cup. To love myself. To appreciate myself. It's been my little treat for a few months now and is my special start to my day.
Often times I can fill up others' cups without realizing I need to fill up my own first. It's been a process and practice of finding small ways to fill up my cup. Over the years those practices have shifted and changed. Finding a new one when the regulars just don't do it has really helped. We all need a refresh every so often, even when we don't think we need it. We can find ourselves falling into a new way of adorning ourself or appreciating ourselves and then voila! A new practice is with us. That's exactly how it happened for me.
We can wait for someone else to fill up our cup and grow resentful and frustrated, or we can just fill up our own damn cup. We are our own medicine. We are the ones we've been waiting for. Don't get me wrong, I love to get affirmations from others, or to receive a love note, or flowers, or a kind smile. And there's something to be said when I can show that appreciation to myself. This is the art of self-love. A lifelong love affair with ourselves.
Here’s a few other ways I fill up my own up…
Quote: Fill up your own cup so that you can overflow into the lives of others.
I Scream for Ice Cream - When I’m feeling like life is just too hard at the moment, I treat myself to a delicious cup of ice cream. My favorite is a coconut milk base ice cream with peanut butter flavor and brownies mixed in nitrogen style. Go for the cookie, the ice cream, the piece of chocolate, you deserve it.
Plant it up - I’ve started a small collection of a family of plants now in my front patio. I have too many plants, said no one ever. Plants provide us with so much health and vitality. Watering them every morning brings me joy and when I see them grow and flourish, it’s a reminder that we too do the same. I love taking myself to the local nursery or going to a friends house to propagate new plants for myself.
Wake up with Gratitude - The first moments of the morning are so critical. I’ve started to take a few moments in the morning before jumping out of bed to take a few deep breaths and say to myself, “I love you Keegan, You are going to have a great day!” or “I’m grateful for this day and all that it will bring me.” These simple words allow me to start the day fresh, alive, and feeling good.
Shutdown - When I’m feeling the need to be with myself, I turn off my notifications, shut my phone off, and just be with me. We live in a world with so many distractions and taking away from
I'm curious…What are some of the ways you fill up your cup?